Where to buy an apartment in Dhaka in 2022?
Analysis of the current real estate market in Dhaka with an analysis of apartment prices, sizes, and locations, and a comparison to Indian cities.
Analysis of the current real estate market in Dhaka with an analysis of apartment prices, sizes, and locations, and a comparison to Indian cities.
In most developing countries like Bangladesh, air pollution is a growing concern. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have resulted in heightened levels of air pollution, particularly in the urban areas in Bangladesh. The adverse health effects… Read More »Rising Air Pollution in Bangladesh’s Urban Centers
. With the rapid growth of technology in recent years, there is a growing digital divide between urban and rural areas in Bangladesh. This digital divide can have severe implications for various sectors, including economic… Read More »A Closer Look at Digital Divide in Bangladesh
Healthcare expenditure is a vital indicator of a country’s economic development and social welfare. In this blog post, we will analyze and compare the healthcare spending of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Specifically, we will look… Read More »Bangladesh Tops Private Healthcare Spending in South Asia